Kingdom Builders

What is a Kingdom Builder?

As a Kingdom Builder here at Church On The Rock, we are individuals that are truly Kingdom minded. We stand on Matthew 6:33 and know by putting God’s Kingdom first He takes care of everything in our life. We are constantly looking for projects and ways to advance the Kingdom of God both locally and globally. When you commit to being a Kingdom Builder here you are committing to advancing the mission that God has given us to help people know God and discover the purpose He has for them. You are supporting new projects, programs, but most of all PEOPLE because behind every project or program there is a story of someone’s life being changed. Together we are making a difference for the Kingdom of God.

Become a Kingdom Builder today!



Ask God what level He is leading you to commit to.


Activate your Kingdom Builder commitment today by giving you first gift or a one-time gift now. Click here to sign up today!