Kids Rock
We are excited to partner with families to give children a love for God’s word, and teach them
how to be planted in the house of God through an environment that is highly secure, fun and
right on their level of learning. Our team strives to minister the heart of God to children through
praise and worship, and through, power-packed lessons that include dramas, media, and
games. In Kids Rock, children have many opportunities to become involved and cultivate the
heart to serve in God’s house. While developing the gifts God has placed in each one of them,
they will learn how to build relationships with other kids and our team. We provide multiple
resources for your family to learn and grow together in Biblical principles and become doers of
God’s word.
What to expect:
- Live worship
- Games
- Fun atmosphere
- Relevant & inspiring message
- Monthly memory verse
- Activity packets
- Parent Connect